In a small village in the middle of the desert...
In the heart of Oman lies the Wilayat of Adam, the last oasis
before you head south to the Empty Quarter or east to the
Al-Sharqiah Sands. It is boarded by Al Hajir mountain range
in the west and walayats of Manah and Nizwa in the north. It
is therefore the gate to the south.
The history of the Wilayat of Adam dates back to pre-Islamic
times, where several archeological sites have been found.
Situated in this strategic location, Adam truly reflects the
meaning of its name as the “fertile land”. This is obvious in
the green palm trees, which paints a stunning landscape.
Using a unique and traditional irrigation system called
“Falaj”, generations in Adam and the surrounding areas
survived now and then on the dates, which is widely
cultivated and naturalized.
For generations date plantation has always been the pride of Adam’s society. There is indeed a deep rooted and profound connection between this blessed tree and the people of Adam. Therefore, Al Mahrooqi family of Adam is an extension of this distinguished relationship. Currently the family works collectively and professionally in producing its own commercial brand of date products labelled “Al Bustan”.
More than 150 family members join efforts to look after the date groves, harvest the crop and pack the products using traditional methods. However, the family works currently in investing more in building a state of art factory using very sophisticated and advanced machineries for the solely purpose of offering its customers natural, high quality and nutritious products such as date syrup, dates paste and chopped dates.
Bustan dates already stands for:
- Traditional and sustainable production of high quality of date products.
- Trusted and professional employer in the region.
- Direct trade routes open to the global markets.
- Date products are processed using modern methods of storing, washing and packing, directly at the palmgardens in the heart of Oman.
- Various packing sizes ranging from 500 gm up to 25 kgcartons.
- Meets customers’ packing requests according to theirneeds and desires.
- Work professionally to meet our goal of exporting 7000 tons of our products in 2018.
Our dream is for the whole world to enjoy the taste and the benefits of this sweet, nutritious and noble fruit. That is why we in SusTeco supports Bustan Dates, so its products can reach the European markets.